
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Day two of the diet and I'm still lingering around 141lbs.
Yesterday was my day of easing into the change, but today onwards is when it gets hardcore!

Last night while doing some research, I discovered the Cayenne Pepper Cleanse. I've heard of this before, as I read its the diet Beyoncé did to lose weight for Dreamgirls.
I decided to buy some Cayenne Pepper, and see what it tastes like.
You add a 1/4 of a teaspoon to 8oz of water along with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
The taste is rather overwhelming, you first taste the sourness of the lemon, and then the kick of the Cayenne Pepper. I find it's rather strong, but not too bad tasting overall.
There are different interpretations of this diet, I read that maple syrup is also added to the mix.
I'll have to buy some to try when I go to the supermarket.

I made some last night and this morning, I plan on making it my breakfast, as this morning I felt as it definitely gave me a boost. I will eventually attempt to do the 10 day detox, but I don't want to put my body into shock in the first few days, I think it would be best to get used to it and ease myself into it.

Has anyone tried this diet? If so how was it for you?

It's currently 12:12 and so far I've just had the Cayenne pepper cocktail, and a 99kcal cup of soup.
I'm already feeling the hunger pains and I'm definitely enjoying it. Feeling empty is such bliss. I've been so stupid and mindless the past few months that I don't think I stopped to realise that I was eating when I wasn't even hungry. Eating for the sake of it. Well there is definitely no room for that behaviour anymore!
I logged on to find that I have my first 2 followers! Thanks guys for listening to me babble. It's nice to know there are people out there who are in the same situation as me.

Stay skinny everybody x

1 comment:

  1. always wanted to do that!
    then remembered that if i do that, i will end up binging.
    oops, bad Sam! so sticking to this disgusting high protein diet for now *sigh*
    anyway...hi, Sam! it's Sam.
    always wanted to say that. xD.
    good luck on this cleanse of yours then! and i can totally relate to that emptiness! it's the same as the one i'm feeling right now! xP

    thanks for the follow. i totally follow back ;) even on twitter. xD.
    -Sam Lupin
