
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Weighed today and lost 2 pounds since the last time I weighed. Down to 139.8 now :)
The lowest I've been in three months!
Still a massively long way to go yet.
Started the morning with a Maxitone Sculptress Capsule, which are great definitely need to buy more. Then fruit salad with low fat mango yoghurt and a glass of Tropicana tropical fruit juice for breakfast and a can of Heinz chicken soup for lunch. Up to 605 kcals.
In two minds whether to go to the gym or do my Ministry of Sound exercise DVD. Think I'll end up doing the DVD to try and mix it up. I haven't been working on my abs enough as I need to be & this way I can select an abs programme! I know If I'm in the gym I'll just stick to cardio machines.
Feeling extremely motivated! Think its due to the thinspiration I've been checking up on. Cheerleader-based mostly, the shape some of them are in is incredible. I wish I was one!

Can't wait until I have the body of one of them girls! It will happen!


Monday 16 April 2012


Well it's been so long since I've blogged. Seems like my willpower totally disappeared around Christmas time and since then I've been having on and off good weeks and bad ones.
Getting pretty frightened now as Summer is soon meaning bikinis and shorts. :O
I've taken a bit more of a healthier approach this time, maybe starving will always backfire on me unless I can get to grips with a basic healthy diet and exercise programme first.
So today, Monday what better day to start.
I've also got this MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone which is proving to be extremely helpful with calorie counting etc.
So I started with oatmeal and a mango fat free yoghurt for breakfast, I then went and had a cardio session in the gym (aching a tad but I love it!) I then had a prawn salad and fruit smoothie for lunch and some melon grapes and pineapple for a mid afternoon snack.
Dinner I'm planning on having haddock or cod fillet, with vegetables.
So far so good.
I'm also deliberating on buying some acai berry supplements, anyone tried them before? Do they work?

If you've stuck around after my long absence, I thank you. Blogging definitely helps shift the weight, knowing that supportive ans understanding people are reading my posts :)

I'll blog again tomorrow :) xx

Thursday 15 December 2011

Hi Everyone

It's been so long and I am so disgusted with myself!
I don't know what happened

I'm no doubt a tonne heavier than I was back when I blogged last (I'm too scared too look)

But I promise this time I'm back ans here to stay.
You guys inspire me so much and will no doubt help me out of this "don't worry about it" state of mind.

You keep me sane and hopeful!
Love you all xx

Thursday 13 October 2011

I'm putting in a sneaky post before my boyfriend comes over.
He's staying here until Sunday so I'll try and post whenever I can.

Firstly, a big HI to Sam Lupin! Thanks for the comment the other day, I demand we be Sam buddies seen as we're both blessed with the same first name ;) I follow your blog religiously, thanks for all the inspiration!

Secondly, somehow I woke up this morning to find I was back to 140 (FUCK) and to top it all off it's going to be SUPER hard to try and not eat with my boyfriend being around! I promise Ana I'll try my best to be faithful. Please guide me into the right direction.

So far today I've had my Cayenne pepper cocktail, my 27kcal soup, and a green salad. So far so good. Hopefully I'll stay on this good roll.

Hope everyone is okay, a massive thank you to all my new followers, I will be sure to follow you back if I'm not already doing so.

I better leave it at that, I don't want the other half wandering uninvited (as always) while I'm mid-blogging.

Stay skinny!!!!!! xxx

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Woke up and weighed this morning....139!
Finally some effort has paid off! Wasn't really expecting this as last night I binged on some crisps blaaaahhh. They are my total weakness and should be destroyed. I felt so full and guilty afterwards. They were only 88kcals a bag but still I had two adding 176 on to such a good day! Damn you!

At least I'm 139 now.

AND I'm finally getting my gym membership today so now I get to work them off too. I have literally a 2 day working week (without counting my weekend job) due to my college course which is supposed to be full-time (ha), so plenty of time to work my fat ass off.

AND!! my parents are away for 4 days so I get to eat whatever the hell I want without any bullshit. I honestly can't win, one moment they're commenting on my weight gain, and then my mother cooks me pizza for food. FUCKING thanks!
Thankfully her job is really demanding so I'm mostly left to my own devices.

Well here's to a good start to the day! hopefully I'll make it to the end with no fuck ups!

Stay skinny!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Day two of the diet and I'm still lingering around 141lbs.
Yesterday was my day of easing into the change, but today onwards is when it gets hardcore!

Last night while doing some research, I discovered the Cayenne Pepper Cleanse. I've heard of this before, as I read its the diet Beyoncé did to lose weight for Dreamgirls.
I decided to buy some Cayenne Pepper, and see what it tastes like.
You add a 1/4 of a teaspoon to 8oz of water along with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
The taste is rather overwhelming, you first taste the sourness of the lemon, and then the kick of the Cayenne Pepper. I find it's rather strong, but not too bad tasting overall.
There are different interpretations of this diet, I read that maple syrup is also added to the mix.
I'll have to buy some to try when I go to the supermarket.

I made some last night and this morning, I plan on making it my breakfast, as this morning I felt as it definitely gave me a boost. I will eventually attempt to do the 10 day detox, but I don't want to put my body into shock in the first few days, I think it would be best to get used to it and ease myself into it.

Has anyone tried this diet? If so how was it for you?

It's currently 12:12 and so far I've just had the Cayenne pepper cocktail, and a 99kcal cup of soup.
I'm already feeling the hunger pains and I'm definitely enjoying it. Feeling empty is such bliss. I've been so stupid and mindless the past few months that I don't think I stopped to realise that I was eating when I wasn't even hungry. Eating for the sake of it. Well there is definitely no room for that behaviour anymore!
I logged on to find that I have my first 2 followers! Thanks guys for listening to me babble. It's nice to know there are people out there who are in the same situation as me.

Stay skinny everybody x

Monday 10 October 2011

Today was the official start of my diet!
First thing I woke up this morning and weighed...141.4lbs.
It's so hard to think at one point I weighed 109lbs. I want to get lower than that weight. Nothing more than 100lbs is not acceptable.
I'm fed up of the fat hanging over my jeans and the rolls of fat that are so easily seen unless I wear Spanx.

I started the day with a 200ml glass of orange juice (88kcal) to boost my metabolism, a lot of sugar no doubt but not too much that I can't burn off though out the day.
On break in college, I discovered the most amazing minestrone soup that's only 27kcals! I plan on making this a definite meal in the near future.
I had lunch later, green salad (no dressing) 20kcals approx? and a Muller light yogurt 88kcals.
which equals 223 kcals.

I'm yet to have something this evening , and was hoping I could skip dinner and spend a majority of the evening in the gym, but that's out the window as I forgot I made plans with my boyfriend to go out for food. Which is going to be a bit of a disaster so I'll be looking to have a salad again. I'm definitely planning on going for a monster of a walk afterwards or I'll feel completely disgusting tomorrow.

As courtesy of my mother's boyfriend I now have an AbKing machine in my room :) which I'm going to try out in a minute.

I find that this blog is already helping me so much just by venting and also reading blogs of others, I'm feeling more motivated than ever.